PIT - Baix Llobregat Tourist Information Points


In Baix Llobregat there are 117 tourist information points. These points are establishments (public or private) that have direct contact with the tourist, which although they cannot provide a service as complete as the tourist offices, but they do have an informative function by covering those hours and territories that the tourist offices do not. Offices.

Likewise, these points complete the service offered to tourists, giving added value by providing tourist information to continue the tourist's stay, improving their satisfaction by receiving adequate, verified and reliable information.

The Baix Llobregat Tourism Consortium launched the PIT program (Tourist Information Points) in 2016 in collaboration with the Barcelona Provincial Council, with the aim of expanding the network of tourist offices with other spaces, companies and entities in the region .

Check which are the Baix Llobregat Tourist Information Points here: https://www.turismebaixllobregat.com/en/punts-dinformacio-turistica


From Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.


CN-340, Parc Torreblanca
08980 Sant Feliu de Llobregat Barcelona

Baix Llobregat