Museus de Martorell


Discover the town of Martorell through its museums:

Pont del Diable

The Devil’s Bridge is one of the remains that are kept as evidence of the Roman road network in the low part of the Llobregat and Anoia rivers zone. It’s located at the Congost del Llobregat (gorge entrance) just after the confluence with the Anoia River. It was raised towards the year 10 B.C. as a result of the foundation of the Iulia Augusta Paterna Faventia Barcino (Barcelone)- was carried out, at the end of the 1st century B.C. 
In1283 the process of construction a gothic style new bridge, with a similar appearance to the present one was started. The bridge reconstruction, also called de Sant Bartomeu –because of the Romanesque chapel close to it – or stone bridge, was a great work and with the aim of building the bridge, money was collected and taxes prevailed for long.
The demolition of the houses affixed to the bridge end brought to light some remains of the Roman bridge wall and the old municipal slaughter house (1990), as well as the location of the Saint Bartomeu chapel archaeological remains.


L'Enrajolada, casa Museu Santacana

The museum was founded in 1876 by Francesc Santacana Campmany (1810-1896), an example of romantic idealism which drove its creator to collect artefacts from palaces and old religious buildings, (mainly from Barcelona, Martorell and their surrounding areas in his house to try to recover their original function.


Museu Vicenç Ros

The Vicenç Ros Museum was founded by Vicenç Ros Batllevell (1883-1970) in 1945 and occupies some of the quarters of the old Capucin monastery in Martorell. The museum allows the visitor to contemplate its collections whilst also visiting the old monastery structure, one of the few surviving examples of Capucin architecture from 17th century in Catalonia.


Muxart, Espai d’Art i Creació Contemporanis

The old Par home, hosts the work of the artist born in Martorell, Muxart Jaume (1922). Its main objective is to encourage the dissemination , research and conservation of their work and be a reference point for art and contemporary creation. While the first floor offers a tour of the work and the artist's life , the ground floor is intended to display temporary exhibitions of contemporary art.

Correu electrònic
93 774 22 23

Carrer de l'Aigua
08760 Martorell Barcelona
