- Inici
- Gastronomia i Enoturisme
- Rutes i festes gastronòmiques
- Fira Sant Isidre de Viladecans
Fira Sant Isidre de Viladecans
As part of this commerce and services fair, the village carries out a competition-exhibition of country fruit baskets, made traditionally with fruits and vegetables of the region. Visitors can also taste dishes made with the region’s most typical produce.
Date: 2nd weekend of May.
Frequency: Annual.
Further information:
Ajuntament de Viladecans
Centre de Promoció Econòmica i Serveis a les Empreses Can Calderon (Comerç i Turisme)
Monday to Friday from 9am to 2pm
C. Andorra, 64
08840 Viladecans Barcelona