Visit Baix Llobregat in a sustainable way
The Tourism Consortium proposes a guide to encourage good behavior and good practices among visitors to Baix Llobregat area with special emphasis on respect for the attractions and the population of our destination.
> Discover the companies and entities committed to sustainable tourism
> We want to know your opinion about our destination
El Baix Llobregat, destinació sostenible
Al Baix Llobregat tens moltes opcions per gaudir de la cultura i la natura de forma respectuosa i sostenible.
Et proposem quatre plans que et faran gaudir de moments inoblidables!
tourism sustainability
Sustainable tourism essentially involves the development of territories in such a way that the three fundamental axes that characterize them: culture, the environment and the socio-economic sphere receive a positive impact on tourism activity. For this reason, the Consorci de Turisme del Baix Llobregat has decided to take a step forward and provide the different entities involved in tourism with the tools and guidelines to follow in order for this positive development to take place.
The Biosphere Certificate is an initiative created by the Instituto de Turismo Responsable (ITR). It is a seal of international recognition that certifies the good practices of those tourism companies and services that are certified. Under the 17 goals of sustainable development of the ONU, the BIOSPHERE certificate provides those companies that adhere to the commitment, guidelines, improvement plans, workshops, training and a personalized service to carry out the actions and good practices that require commitment.
In 2017, the Diputació de Barcelona implemented the Biosphere sustainable tourism certification through 3 tourism brands: Costa de Barcelona, Paisatges de Barcelona and Pirineus de Barcelona, initiatives that have given way to raising awareness and vindicating sustainability as to one of the pillars within the tourist activity.
Biosphere Commitment to Sustainable Tourism
Barcelona province has been a pioneer in promoting the program "Commitment to Tourism Biosphere Sustainability" a series of good practices in sustainable management of tourism companies and their recognition through a badge, for the development of sustainable tourism from a comprehensive perspective and collective work.
This project is led by Diputació de Barcelona and Cambra de Comerç de Barcelona and, in the Baix Llobregat region, is managed by the Consorci de Turisme del Baix Llobregat, by fulfilling a series of requirements, Barcelona City Council offers tour operators the opportunity to adhere to the Biosphere Barcelona Commitment. This is based on a handbook of best practices that includes the United Nations’ seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Currently, more than 500 companies and tourist services from the counties of Barcelona participate, and more than 500 companies from the city of Barcelona.
In the Baix Llobregat region, more than 100 tourism companies are working on the implementation of the Biosphere Sustainable Tourism Commitment, among which a total of 100 are distinguished with this commitment.
90 distinguished organizations and companies
Baix Llobregat committed to sustainable tourism
Baix Llobregat Tourism Consortium is the managing body in charge of the implementation of this badge to companies and entities in the region, therefore, receiving the seal is also proof of our great involvement in the project.
Below, you can consult the documents resulting from the application of the Responsible Tourism Policy:
Good practices for the resident, visitor and tourist of Baix Llobregat
Good environmental practices for organizations and companies in the destination
Sustainable Tourism Policy of Baix Llobregat
Participate in Biosphere Commitment to Sustainable Tourism program
Companies, services and destinations in the region can participate in this program. The interested entity or company will work under a manual of sectorial practices:
· Accommodation (hotels, campsites, hostels, rural tourism)
· Catering (restaurants, bars and cafes, bars)
· Destinations (municipalities, counties ...)
· Active tourism
· Museums and interpretation centers
· Tourist offices
· Citizen security
· Wellness
· Travel agencies
· Wineries
· Trade
· Natural spaces
· Tourist guides
· Beaches
· Tourist transport
· Other services
Contact with Baix Llobregat Tourism Consortium:
Tel. 93 685 24 00 Ext. 551
> More information about Biosphere Commitment to Sustainable Tourism